Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Prayers Needed

Could you pray for us?

~ We have had 4 people die in the 3 weeks we have been here. A young man (who left 3 kids and a wife), a 1 year old girl, a young girl (in her 20’s), and just last night the baby granddaughter of one of the believers. And from what we can tell, there is no real reason other than the powers of darkness love death and are hitting the un-believing community. The causes of these deaths, in their minds, range from people working poison on them to someone talking bad about the other person. They need the truth in their lives.

~Jason and Malachi are both trying to fight off boils right now on their skin and Kellie, Micah, and Sophia have been fighting a fever and a headache for over a week now.

~ The Tobo believers did not meet this past Sunday due to the extreme rain and mud. We have asked them to pray and seek God on what to do about a building to meet in. We missionaries have many ideas, but we want to see them seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance in this and come up with a culturally appropriate way to meet.

~ Remember Malachi’s 2 surgeries while we were home? This past week we have seen the symptoms starting to reoccur again in that area and it is swelling up. We consulted our mission Dr. and he told us Malachi will need another surgery soon if things don’t change.

~ And both of our co-workers, Mankins and Williamsons… they are struggling with various issues… so our whole team is getting attacked in different ways.

I am glad that the powers of darkness think we are worth annoying but it can still be discouraging. We are in a battle here and we believe that the prayers of the saints make a huge difference. We ask that you pray for the community that they will see their need for a Savior. For the believers, that they would rely on the Holy Spirit’s guidance in direction for the church and for boldness in demonstrating the love of Jesus as they talk to the different families that have lost loved ones. For us as a family, that God would intervene and (we do not see this as a coincidence – happening immediately after our return) choose to heal Malachi himself so that we don’t have to try to figure out where and how to get another surgery done. And pray for our whole team, that we would be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus so that we can endure with joy.

His Clay Pots,
Jason, Kellie, Micah, Sophia, & Malachi Knapp

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