Thursday, August 27, 2009

Clay Pots ~ The 12 Days of Christmas

Tingong and his wife had a baby boy (Caleb) while we were gone and she brought him for me to see as soon as we got back.

I keep humming the 12 days of Christmas song in my head except my version sounds more like this…

“On the first month of tribal living the Good Lord gave to me…6 layers of mold , 5 cockroaches, 4 earthquakes, 3 muddy kids, 2 leaping rats, and 1 (hundred) maggots”

Did I mention the spiders? Despite the cold, rainy world we now live in and our very limited access to communication. I am SO thankful! Thankful to be back with our co-workers, the Williamsons. Thankful for my ever-loving and gracious husband who not only kills all the things that try to live with us but he is also doing all that he can do to make this an easy transition for me. I am thankful for our kids who find the fun and laughter in all of this (“Hey, mom if the cockroaches eat crayons they poop different colors!”). And I am so very thankful for the Tobo people and our ministry here with them. We met this past Sunday for church. There were about 12 people there, and as I sat there I said to myself; “if God has decided to send us here so that 12 Tobo people can be in heaven with Him then so be it, I will do it.” I have been reading Jeremiah and God asked him to go and warn his people and then told Jeremiah “oh by the way they wont listen to you and you won’t do any good”. (Kellie’s version) So I am thankful for these 12 growing and maturing believers. Jason told them that God started with just one man and one woman. He can do mighty things here as well. So they are encouraged and we are praying hard that maybe God will choose to do something even bigger here.

His Clay Pots,
Kellie for Jason, Micah, Sophia, and Malachi Knapp

1 comment:

Heidi Kenyon said...

Love to read your blog. Blogs are an amazing tool to connect people. I've added your blog to my favorites list that I check every few days. I'm going to tell my small group about this blog as well. What a great way for us to stay in touch with you. Hans always makes fun of me....something about how I'm one of those pathetic bloggers that never leaves a comment; so, I will try to change that reputation on your blog only.
Keep the updates coming. You guys always do an amazing job of keeping us all posted/informed.
Thank you.