Monday, January 26, 2009


In reference to Jeremy and Jen Knapp, we want to thank you all for praying. I and a few friends left last night after seeing her and Jeremy, and they were both very encouraged. At that point in time, Jen was only being given 50% oxygen from the machine, and her oxygen levels with that were at 98%! This means that she was breathing pretty well on her own. She was sitting up in bed, drinking fluids, smiling, and looking pretty good. She had eaten half a nutrient shake earlier that day and so she had also gotten some nourishment. She will still need to be in the hospital for a few more days at least until the inflammation in her lungs decreases and she can breath completely on her own.

We want to say thank you for going to the Father for all of us and for your specific and heartfelt prayers. They made a difference! There were multiple stories and little “miracles” that I could tell you. But I think the biggest one was this: Jeremy sat us all down in the waiting room and said, “We need to have a time of thanksgiving to God for what he has done.” We all were giving praise to God and honoring him for his powerful working. The amazing thing was this: at the time that we were giving praise, she was still not completely healed. But God gave us a peace and a confidence in his loving care and in faith we were thanking him for his complete healing when complete healing had not even happened yet… she is still in ICU. I was so thankful because Jeremy’s faith and our faith in God was strengthened so much so that we were able to thank him by faith and not by sight.

We would ask that you too go to the Father and thank him for his powerful working in the life of Jen and in the lives of all of us. We sent up thousands of petitions and requests to our God; let’s give him just as much praise, and even more! He is worthy of our praise. He is a good God, and he did and is answering our prayers. Let’s let him hear praise from all the voices who asked him to help.

Praise be to God alone,

1 comment:

Rohrbachs said...

That is awesome! PTL!!