Monday, January 05, 2009

Clay Pots ~ Faith

Wow, I cannot believe that it has been this long since we last wrote a letter. I guess the holidays just really flew by. It was a special Christmas time for us as we were able to see almost every family member on both sides of our extended families. So we were at a lot of family get-togethers, and we had a great time. We rejoice in that we were able to be home and enjoy this Christmas (and a white one at that) with so many loved ones. We hope that you had a wonderful Christmas with family and friends as well.

God has been particularly faithful to our family. Over this past year, we continue to see his provision almost daily in our lives. We are thanking God for his continual financial provision through all of you. Not only has God continued our support at the level where it was, but he has blessed us above and beyond that. We are here in the states and are able to see the financial stress some of you are going through… the job losses and such, and we are that much more grateful for your faithfulness. I cannot tell you how many gas cards we have received as gifts this year; it has been such a blessing to see God provide for this basic necessity. So we praise him for that, and want to thank all of you for your continued financial support for us.

God has also been faithful to heal our souls and refresh our spirits. God has taught us innumerable things on this furlough… things about himself and his faithfulness and graciousness towards us as undeserving humans who are constantly failing; things about how important the family and the body of Christ are to him; things about faith and trust and resting in our Heavenly Father. In our last letter, I mentioned some things about Joshua. Another story from Joshua which really encouraged me lately was the story of where the Israelites crossed the Jordan River. The priests had to put their feet in the water before it would part. There was an element of risk involved in that act of faith and obedience. But what struck me was the fact that all faith and obedience, if it is truly that, has an element of risk involved. What if my faith and subsequent obedience fails? What if I step in the water and it does not part? What will that say about God’s character? Could I get injured? Did God really say that? But that is what walking by faith and not by sight is all about, isn’t it? “Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” Yes, there is an element of risk, but that is what makes living by faith so exciting… we get to see God work where no human power or ability could. Jesus said that we are to go and make disciples of every nation. Obeying that command by faith has an element of risk to it. What if no one listens? What if I get rejected? How will God provide for me to be able to accomplish this command?

I guess what really encouraged me through this story was that it brought me back to the character of God. He is trustworthy and faithful and he will do what he said he would do. Has God ever failed me? Never. He will part the waters. He will cause that depression to cease. He will save some from every corner of the world. He will provide where he guides. He will never reject or forsake those who are his own. Knowing this about my Father assures me that my faith is not a risk at all, when my faith is in Him.

May you be encouraged in the Greatness and Faithfulness of our God. And may you step out in faith where it looks like an impossible situation.

Have a joyous and fruitful new year,
Jason, Kellie, Micah, Sophia, and Malachi Knapp

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