Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Clay Pots - Be Courageous

Micah (who is going to build a million snowmen), Sophia (who doesn’t remember snow), & Malachi (who has never seen snow until now)

It is almost December and Jack Frost is nipping at our noses! Kellie wants you to know that we have the decorations up and the Christmas music playing. With Christmas coming soon, it reminds us that next year is right around the corner. And for us, next year means that we will be heading back to PNG.

As I look ahead to next year, I find myself a little overwhelmed with taking on the responsibilities in the tribe again. I find myself worried about the Tobo church, concerned that our team might make mistakes along the way, inadequate because I have never done this before, and fearful that what we have done might fall apart. But I was encouraged by what the Lord said to Joshua in the first chapter of the book of Joshua. I am sure that Joshua too felt much the way I am… worried about the people he was leading, concerned that he might make mistakes, inadequate to lead people in battle when he hadn’t fought too many wars before, and fearful that they might get into the land and get completely wiped out. But God said to him, “Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given you (past tense)… no man will be able to stand before you… I will be with you… Be strong and courageous.” Joshua was asked to fight the battle, but the outcome was not his to decide. God had already promised that the land was theirs, so obviously all Joshua had to do was go and obtain it. God would take care of him and the Israelites. No one would die if they kept their eyes on him. It was God’s war, just as the church is God’s church, and has already promised that he will build it. Building the church is not our job, but his, because as humans we really are inadequate. But he still requires us to go into battle fully trusting, confident, and courageous that God himself will give the victory.

Some prayer requests:

~We have set a target date for returning to PNG… August 1st! We need to buy a 4 years supply of certain cosmetics, electronics, office supplies, clothes for the kids, replacement parts for our solar equipment, plane tickets, contacts/glasses, chocolate (Kellie put that), etc. The prayer request would be for the necessary funds to buy it all and for some volunteers to push 10 shopping carts at Wal-mart for usJ. Trust me the look on the cashiers face is worth the trip!

~Pray for our team as they continue to translate, teach, and disciple the Tobo believers. It looks like I will be able to assist in the translation process from over here as we head into the new year, so be praying that our team can work together efficiently even with the long miles between us.

~Pray that the Tobo church will, like Joshua, be strong and courageous, fully confident in God and understand that the battle is the Lord’s as they live their lives in a very dark place.

His Clay Pots,
Jason for the Knapps


saras said...

Though we've never met, I am a faithful reader of your blog. I was just reading tonight, thinking to myself..that it's when a person in leadership feels like they've got it all just right, that they are at the head of the game, that they make no mistakes...that's when we have a problem! When a person in leadership goes in to it, humbly realizing that we are only the vessels that God uses for His glory..that's when amazing things happen!

Enjoy your winter! :) And your shopping trip, boy does that sound like fun! And may God prepare your hearts, minds and spirits for your return to the tribe!


-joe said...


Sorry that we didn't have a chance to meet and talk (although that early morning hallway handshake made me laugh.) My sister tells me you are truly sold out for the Lord, and that makes me glad in a way that few things do.

She also said you asked her how I could be both an American Baptist and a calvinist...and the answer is definitely: not without much stress and anguish.

I'll be praying for ya'll as you continue to raise support to head back to the other side of the world.

-joe helt