Saturday, January 24, 2009

Urgent Prayer

We have called upon you all before, and we are calling upon you again. We have an urgent prayer request that we would ask you to be in prayer about:

Jen Knapp, my younger brother Jeremy’s wife, at this point in time, is in ICU in a hospital in Missouri. She is in critical condition. What started out as a kidney infection a few days ago has really taken a turn for the worse and she is now faced with the possibility of lung failure. What complicates the issue is that she is about 7 months along in her first pregnancy and so treatment is difficult. As of 9:00 this morning, she was finally sleeping for the first time in almost 2 days. My brother’s prayer request is that as she sleeps in the next 3 to 4 hours, that God would miraculously cause her lungs to improve instead of continuing on this road to lung failure. I would add that you also pray for my brother, that God would grant him peace, wisdom, and comfort as he watches his young wife and unborn child go through this painful situation.

Thank you for your prayers, they do work! You are a large body of believers and we have seen God work mighty miracles through your prayers. Thank you and keep praying.

In Christ,


Ryan and his girls said...

Oh brother. I can barely see through the tears as I write. I am praying. My wife was 7 months pregnant with brain cancer less than a year ago. Lord may these precious children of yours be healed as we were. is a great place to post updates. We used it.

Much love brother, Ryan and Lora Kesselhon (Duluth, MN)

Anonymous said...
