Sunday, February 01, 2009

She is Home!

We want to thank you all for your prayers regarding our sister-in-law, Jen Knapp. God did amazing things… worked miracles actually, and completely healed her. She and her husband, Jeremy, are back home right now after about 10 days in the hospital. Jen’s lungs seem to be doing fine, the baby is healthy, and Jeremy said he is looking forward to getting back to normal. When they arrived home and were able to read about all the people who were praying for them, the emails received, and all that was on facebook, they were overwhelmed with it all. So thank you for holding them up in your prayers. And we are praising God that he chose to answer our prayers according to our desires and heal her.
Please join in with us in giving thanks to God for his faithfulness yet again in our lives.
Thank you,

1 comment:

Rohrbachs said...

Yeah Praise God! So glad everything is good!