Friday, February 13, 2009

Clay Pots ~ Underwear Will Prevail!

Well the panic has officially set in. We are leaving in 6 months for Papua New Guinea and I am trying to visualize packing up our family of 5 into 2 suitcases a piece. This has me wishing I was Mary Poppins and could fit a lamp and hat stand magically in our bags. The kids were spoiled this past Christmas/Birthdays, so that means our stuffed animal “families” have tripled. We have enough matchbox cars to fill a parking garage and did I mention Leggos? I see the importance of packing enough underwear for 4 years; Sophia, however, insists that it is more important for her dolly (who also has a sister) to bring her bed, stroller, changing table, 50 outfits, swing, and highchair than for us to pack all of that “gross” underwear.

We have already spent many hours and are still in the process of getting all our passports renewed and visas for Papua New Guinea. We have been in contact with airlines trying to find the cheapest way (no such thing) to get our family half –way around the world. And… ever so slowly our home that we are renting here is getting emptier as I realize I can’t hold onto it all. I have tried every which way to figure out how I could keep it or store it or shrink it or pack it, but in the end… most all of it must go. So keep an eye out for a big “Moving Sale” sign outside our house. The $ will go to a good cause… purchasing plane tickets so you can get rid of usJ.

These days we are continuing to keep busy; Jason continues to help with the translation from this side of the world and we are all involved at church in different aspects. We especially like the part where we eat and fellowshipJ. We know what it is like not to have a church body to fellowship and worship with on a regular basis. Don’t ever take that for granted, God has His reasons for calling us together as a body to worship!

My prayer for the up-coming months is that I will stay calm and content (hey, miracles can happen!) so that I can help my family through another move with JOY.

Micah's 10th Birthday Party

Kellie trying something new at 30yrs old. I had a cute instructor.

Celebrating Jason’s Grandma’s 89th Birthday!

Sledding and Tubing

His Clay Pots,
Jason, Kellie, Micah, Sophia, and Malachi Knapp

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