Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Found! ~ Zango

“My whole life I knew I had to believe in Jesus, but I also thought I had to be perfect or God would send me to hell. Now I am at peace because I know that I cannot make myself perfect, but in God's sight, I am perfect now because I simply believed in Jesus. And Jesus' blood washed all my sins away.” ~ Zango

Zango is our village doctor. He is 70 years old. He has been to the universities, been well educated, gone to "church" his whole life, but had never found grace. He struggled his whole life to keep God's law because he thought that if he disobeyed, he would be sent to hell. He thought that Jesus had died to wash our sins away, but that he needed to constantly live a good life, or all would be lost and go to hell. So he lived in fear, with a constant burden to "perform" or God would strike him down.

But now this man is at peace. During the phase 1 teaching, he found the grace of God. Jesus did it all because Zango couldn't do it. Jesus paid it all because Zango couldn't pay it. Jesus died so that Zango wouldn't have to. Zango is now resting in what Jesus did for him, and he can't understand why the rest of the people just don't "get it together" and listen to this message and believe. "This is eternal life, and they are searching for food that will die with the man who eats it," he says.

Pray that Zango would continue to grow in faith and in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Pray that he would not "default" back to works as a means of maintaining his salvation.

His Clay Pots,
Jason, Kellie, Micah, Sophia, and Malachi Knapp & The Tobo Church

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