Monday, March 05, 2007

Clay Pots ~ Literacy Program On the Road to Becoming Indigenized

This past week Jason held another Literacy Teacher's Training Course for 4 of the literacy graduates who were interested in teaching the next batch of literacy classes. At the same time, he was able to train/disciple 2 men to take over the Teacher's Training Course (they will teach it themselves next time around). It's an exciting time in our ministry when we are now able to take something like the Literacy program and begin to take steps towards handing it entirely over to the Tobo church to be in charge of! Literacy classes will be started again in various villages in the next couple months.

Also, at every believer's meeting Jason gives the believers opportunity to take turns reading the verses out loud. Even though it is painfully slow to our American standards, it is a joy to hear them reading and helping each other when they stumble through it. They have very little material written in their own language to practice reading from, so what better way to practice than with Scriptures in their own language?!

Continue to pray for the maturity and growing of the believers. They are being introduced to newer concepts such as prayer and worship. They know what prayer and worship is, but the average person usually doesn't do it... it is only for the religious "elite". So they are extremely shy and uncomfortable doing things publicly in front of others and this is going to take some time getting used to. Pray that we can be a good example to them of these things. And that our times together would not look "westernized" but "Tobo-ized" or, in other words: indigenous. That is what we want, an indigenous Tobo church in every way.

His Clay Pots,
Jason, Kellie, Micah, Sophia, Malachi & The Tobo Church

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