Sunday, November 19, 2006

Clay Pots ~ Sodom and Gomorrah

Komite is Malachi's Assa (Grandpa) here in the village

This week we taught on Sodom and Gomorrah. This lesson proved to be the most stirring of all of them yet. It convicted and cut right to their hearts. It was quiet all around, at times you could hear a pin drop. Especially when I said, “Don’t be like Lot’s two sons-in-law, they heard God’s warning and thought it was a joke, that it was nothing, and went on their very way. The next morning, they both died!” They were cut to the heart. When I named off the sins, they were super quiet… yeah, we don’t do sins like Sodom, where they slept with men, but do we sleep with women that aren’t ours? Do we lie? Do we steal? Yes, we are just like Sodom, we desire to sin, and want to sin and love to sin because it is fun, it is like a game to us.

After the teaching, Morosin got up, crying openly, and said, “I am a terrible sinner, you all know it. We all are sinners. I am going to die unless God helps me. These two guys (Jason and Chad) are like Noah, who are telling us that God’s judgment is going to come, and I/we need to listen. This is true talk, we are ready to die. I am a sinner.” He said that in front of all the people, he was gripped with conviction of his own personal sin. How powerful is God’s Word! Afterwards, people were just sitting there almost shell shocked. They didn’t get up but were discussing their sin, God’s word, how they don’t really want to go to the garden because of all this, etc. I was just in awe and sat in silence for a long time just listening.

Megelin Mama came up and asked, "if we died in our sins, and got the punishment for our sin, would we just be destroyed, or would we go on living, or would we go to heaven?." I said that if you died in your sins, you would live forever in fire and torment, but if you believed in what God says, then you would live with him forever in the joy of heaven. He sat thinking.

And then Komiti got up and said that you didn’t come here of your own accord, but that God sent you so that we could hear this message. He said, “I don’t know God’s word, I thought I did, but I don’t. I am on the verge of death. The material things of this life are not going to help me, it is just fuel for the fires of hell. I can't even listen to talk about other things, such as politics and such... it is a bore to me. The only thing that can help me is God’s Word, it gives life. I say truthfully, I am sooo happy to wake up and hear the message every morning, because I know it will give me life!”

Alis and Bafi both got up and said, “We need to get our friends and other family members here to hear this message, or we will all die in the flood. Our Noah is standing here building the boat, and if we neglect the words he says from God, we will all die. We need to believe them and get in the boat and live happily. Please, come. You must come, or you will die.”

God is indeed at work here in Tobo land!

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