Saturday, May 19, 2012


If you are like me, you sometimes wonder at God's time frame. I can get easily confused and frustrated when I try to make him fit into my schedule.
I haven't posted to this blog in a few months because I have been busy with establishing this Immigration Office at James Place. I had put in an application for accreditation to the Board of Immigration Appeals in January right before I wrote my last blog post. I have been patiently (or not so patiently) waiting since that time to receive their decision. I wanted to wait to post again until I had an acceptance letter in hand. In April, I found out that they had misplaced the file and they finally found it mysteriously under a pile on a desk. Then finally, I received their response on Monday. They denied our request.
So all that waiting and all that work believing that God wants us to open this immigration counseling office this spring, and we get a "no". (That is the second "no" by the way). I could say that I think it is all a conspiracy; and it would be correct - a giant conspiracy by Satan to thwart and destroy anything good and godly in this world. But I also know that God is sovereign, and I believe that with all my heart... he works through people who make bad decisions and use poor judgment. This process has shown me just how graciously patient God is with me, so I need to be patient with others and patient as I wait on Him. But it has also taught me to move beyond my culture and my personality. In America, we don't wait for anything... everything is instant gratification: from microwave ovens, to movies on demand, to credit card spending, to fast lane check out lines and fast food restaurants. It is hard to wait when our culture boasts "time is money" and every second that passes by we calculate just how much money or opportunity we just lost. To me, it is becoming a stressful way to live... and God doesn't always work within our "you can't buy back lost time" culture. He is so much bigger than that, so much wiser. I have been learning to understand his Kingdom culture more; which is comprised of a host of values and beliefs which are contrary to my birth culture.
So, I hope to have good news soon, but until then I will rest in the fact that God has it all under control and remember the truth that the best things in life come to those who wait... the best tasting food must be waited for - it can't be made in a microwave oven.
Will you pray with me that we can receive this accreditation in HIS timing? Thanks, Jason

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