Thursday, January 26, 2012

News from Tobo

I know that many of you still pray for the church in Tobo and are interested in hearing updates as to how things are going back in Lengbati. I received this update from the Williamsons a few days ago and thought I would post it so that you could be in prayer, both for them and the believers in Tobo. God's ways are not our ways and his thoughts are not our thoughts; but we can rest in His sovereign plan, convinced that his love never fails and that his kingdom will not end. The following 2 paragraphs are from Williamson's update:

"In December we met with our NTM leadership, church planting consultants, and teammates about the condition of the church and the concerns we have with its growth. Nisae and I have poured our hearts into the believers here and have given much effort into seeing them grow in maturity and adapt a Biblical Worldview that is lived out among their unbelieving community. What we have seen in response has not been what we have hoped and prayed for, but rather our efforts have been met with resistance and callousness. The believers have closed the door themselves on our family’s ministry among them and ultimately on what the Holy Spirit wants to do in their lives. At the conclusion of our meetings, we all decided that it would be best to take a step back from the Church here in Tobo and allow them some time to decide for themselves if they are going to follow after the Lord or not or continue to live in the shadow of their prideful community.

Nisae and I have done everything possible to spur on growth in the believers’ lives and to facilitate the possible reigniting of the church. We’ve built friendships, laughed, cried, admonished, preached the Word and modeled it, pursued, and encouraged each believer in hopes that God would use these efforts to produce fruit in their lives. However, the Lord has not chosen to bring about a harvest at this time and we think that leaving the Tobo church on their own is now what is best for them, and us. Therefore, with the support of our leadership, consultants & teammates, we have decided to move out of the tribe in February and live in Madang (the town where our support center lies). After we’ve put a stop to our teaching in Tobo and explained why we are moving out and the reasons we are all stepping back from the church, our co-workers, Chad & Janeene Mankins, will continue to live in Tobo to translate God’s Word and other materials in hopes that down the road the church will reignite and desire growth."

Please lift up this situation before the Lord. Thank you for your prayers, they make all the difference.

Jason for the Knapps

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