Monday, June 16, 2008

(cracked) Clay Pots ~ Kellie

For as unpleasant as all the doctors appointments and surgeries have been, things have gone really well. We are praising God for his faithfulness and constant watch-care over our lives. We are also praising God for competent doctors and wonderful medical facilities here in the States. I wanted to update you all on how Kellie is doing right now.

Kellie went in on Wednesday and the doctor removed some more skin from around the area on her right arm where they had previously found the melanoma cancer. It was quite a large cut, and he had to go pretty deep, but was able to bring it all together and stitch it up. So she will only have a line scar across her whole arm instead of a huge round area. We are thankful that this cancer was caught in the earliest stage it could be, thus there will be no need for further treatments or procedures. She is unable to type until they remove her stitches (in about a couple weeks) so wants me to apologize for her lack of communication with any of you who might have written lately.

She went to the dentist the following day and will be getting a filling and a cap put on in the next couple of weeks, God has provided our family with a dentist who does all of this for free…what a blessing! Also her colonoscopy went well, she will be going for follow up appointments and taking some medications to take care of some minor problems. So all in all, she is doing well, and we are just glad that God has allowed us to be able to get these things done and “out of the way with” before summer sets in. We are greatly anticipating going camping and fishing with the kids and enjoying some of these long malaria-free Wisconsin summer nights.

We want to thank you all for all your prayers and concern for us. We truly feel loved and accepted by the body of Christ. You all truly are our brothers and sister in Christ.

Please continue to pray for our co-workers, the Williamsons and the Mankins. Williamsons have had their first language and culture evaluation and they are progressing very well. Pray that the language continues to come quickly for them. You can read their updates at Also, Chad and Janeene Mankins (and kiddos) should have arrived in Madang. Pray for them as they re-adjust to PNG life and prepare to return to the tribe. Read their updates at And finally, please continue to pray for the Tobo believers, that they would grow in grace and in the knowledge of their God and Savior Jesus Christ, and that the gospel will spread through them to those around them.

In Christ,
Jason for the Knapp family (Wedding pictures will be coming soon!)

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