Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Clay Pots ~ Re-entry

At the top of the airstrip there is a group of 3 houses with tin. That is our house, Williamson’s house and Mankin’s house.
The houses on the right is the medical clinic and Doctor’s house
The picture is taken from the trail going up to the village.

We will be arriving in Wisconsin on May 7th! We leave Madang on May 5th so that kind of gives you an idea of how long we will be traveling with 3 kids, 10 bags, 2 baby dolls, turtle, bear, monkey, giraffe, and blankey. Our longest flight will be 14 hours. We are already thinking of creative ways to knock our kids out!!!

Feel free to come and see what a family of 5 looks like after our journey of flying across the world, sleeping in airport lounges and eating nothing but airplane food. We will be the ones kissing the solid ground! Laugh at us as we stand at the edge of the escalator not too sure if we remember how to get on it. Giggle out loud as we try to talk Malachi into not climbing to the top of the airport terminal, not running ahead, and not yelling every 2 seconds…”Yahoo Cowboy”. (to get a sneak preview, click here…we hear it is getting to be a popular ring tone in WA.). But oh man, can we ever tell you about God’s greatness and faithfulness to us these past years! So you go ahead and laugh, we’ll talk through mouths full of custard, and we will see our unity in Christ connecting us again despite the years of change in all of us. Please give us a call, we would love to connect with you.

His Clay Pots,
Jason, Kellie, Micah, Sophia, and Malachi Knapp

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