Saturday, December 09, 2006

Clay Pots ~ Law

Chad giving Jason a mirror so that he would realize his face is truly dirty.

Last Friday Jason prepared them for this week's teaching. The Law. He asked them "Why would our good God give us the law knowing full well that we would fail to keep it?" No one looked at Jason, their heads were bowed. They were ashamed, scared, and some were crying. The LAW has been what they have tried to follow their whole lives. They have been told over and over again that if they don't follow the law they are doomed to hell. So they would try to follow it but always failed. Day after day, hour after hour, they try to do the impossible: Perfection. They know they have failed over and over again. For some when they realized they couldn't follow the law they chucked it and went to the opposite extreme.

This week Jason was teaching why God gave the law. It is like a mirror, its purpose is simply to show us how sinful we are, that by ourselves we cannot possibly keep it, and that we need a Savior. The law was given to prepare us for the Deliverer who is coming. He will fulfill the law for us, and deliver us from the curse of the law.

Pray that this week people will be convicted of their own individual sin. It's a whole lot easier to point the finger at other people, and say, "so and so is worse than me"! When in reality, we are all doomed to hell because even one small sin is worthy of that punishment. Some already have admitted their own personal sin, and are in fear because they now see that there is nothing they can do to merit their way to heaven. They realize now for the first time, that God might not "just let them in if they are good enough", but that there is no way they can be allowed into God's presence. We are getting close to the answer, and they are starting to get hungry for it! Praise God.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, yes, yes! You can't clean your face with the mirror, it only shows where the dirt is!

Praising God for your continued work. I pray the weather is still holding up for you . . . I'm so thankful for the many who are still attending. Thank you SO much for the regular updates!