Saturday, December 16, 2006

Clay Pots ~ Intense Opposition, Prayer Warriors Needed!!!

It started with a typical lie.

I asked, "You missed yesterdays teaching, did someone tell you what God's Word said yesterday?" To which he lied and said, "Yes, I was very happy to hear about it." But I knew otherwise because lately, the cargo cult is rearing it's ugly head as we near the end of the teaching, and I know he was at a cult meeting. So I asked him if the cult has ever done anything for him. To which he replied, "no". So I asked why he wasted his energy all this time on something that has never done anything for him. "We will have all the material things just like you white people do when you are done teaching, and then you will know the cult is true... just wait till December 24th (they think that bags of rice will "magically" appear on the ground that day), you will see!" This was the answer given to me by Klifford as he got up and walked away angry. He used to come to the teaching every day and he helped Chad and I with translating. He hasn't show up for 4 days now.

Tingon (my translation helper and the first believer) said that he was approached by 2 of the cult leaders in the past few weeks asking him to join. When he told them, "No, I have everything I has ever wanted or needed because Jesus washed my sins away," then the rejection and ridicule started, "You are not thinking about your future," they said.
On Monday there was talk of putting off the teaching for a couple days so that people could go to an opening of a cargo cult house. These cult houses are made to hold the "cargo" when the mountains will spew forth the money. I said, "No we will not stop the teaching. You will have to make a choice as to what is more important at this point in your lives. Satan wants you to go. He is promising things to you just like he promised Eve if she would eat the fruit. But he is a liar. The cult has never given you anything, and it can not give you eternal life."

We went up to the teaching today (Friday) and no one talked to us or shook our hands because they were all hiding the fact that they were planning a cargo cult meeting that very morning. When asked why they came to the teaching, they said they want the cargo and not God's Word. So we didn't teach. Jason told them that we will be back Monday, but we have no cargo to give them... that is not why we came. Now that they have been told that, many are having to decide either to come to the teaching or go back to their cargo cult. This weekend many may be making a decision one way or the other. We need your prayers!!!

Please don't stop praying, the enemy is hard at work.
His Clay Pots, Jason, Kellie, Micah, Sophia, & Malachi Knapp

1 comment:

Mrs said...

When I first read this, I became so discouraged and started to panic. Just as quickly, however, came peace from God.

God's word is true! Lives are in danger of being changed, and Satan can't allow that. The thought of this opposition now makes me want to praise!

God is stronger than the cargo cult, and HE ALONE will draw people to Him. Thank You, Father, for this peace! Thank you, Jason, Kellie, Chad, and Janeene, for your obedience to God no matter what.

The Welsh family is praying for you!