Tuesday, October 24, 2006


This is Masa looking at one of the pictures we handed out of the animals God created. This is the first time the Tobo people have seen a picture of a tiger, elephant, lion,etc.

Masa was the man when we very first moved into the tribe said to us, "I want to hear God's talk before I die". So Masa has been in a sense our personal "time clock". The first 4 days of teaching he never came and we were heart broken and prayed he would start coming. We came to find out that his grandson was really ill and he was sitting with him every day so the rest of the family could go to the teaching. His grandson happens to be one of Micah's friend and when Micah found out that Masa was missing the teaching he went up to the clinic early Friday morning and told Masa that he would sit with his grandson and read him books and play with him so he could go to the teaching. So Masa came:-)

God answers prayers in awesome ways! Our hearts are overflowing with thankfulness that our children are as much a part of this as any of us.

This week of Teaching:
(Genesis 1:26-31, Genesis 2:1-9, 2:16-25)
October 23: God created Adam and we ALL are descendants of Adam
October 24: God places Adam in Eden
October 25: God told Adam not to eat fruit form the tree of knowledge of good and evil
October 26: God created a wife for Adam
October 27: Lucifer rebelled against God.

His Clay Pots, Jason, Kellie, Micah, Sophia, & Malachi

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