Saturday, October 21, 2006

Earthquakes, Sunburns, Rainbows.......

What does an earthquake, sunburn, a rainbow, fear, and shouts of excitement have in common?
The first week of teaching!

Tuesday we felt an rather large earthquake during the teaching. It felt like a stampede of horses about to storm through. Just an awesome picture to the Tobo people that earthquakes are part of God's handiwork.

That's right I said sunburn! First of all, we have gotten literally hundreds of e-mails from all of you saying you are praying for the weather and for the teaching. We had tears running down our faces as we read e-mail after e-mail of encouragement and prayers. We SO wish you were here to watch the clouds move away as the teaching begins and to watch them come right back as soon as the teaching stops. One old lady who hasn't been coming to the teaching told Tingon this; "The sun was only out when they taught, what they have to say must be important and I am going to start going". Thursday before the teaching it started to rain and our hearts sank..that is until we looked up and saw the rainbow! Within minutes we were looking at blue sky! And then after the teaching, a half hour later, it was raining again. Your prayers are making the sun shine!

Daisa, Kellie's dear friend and language helper told her and Janeene yesterday that she didn't know that God was everywhere and could see everything, even when she goes to her garden. Now she said she is afraid that God can see all, hear all, and know all. She has great fear now because she knows that God sees all her bad stuff and she can't hide from Him. That is the beginning of understanding it all!

Now the best part....shouts and cries of excitement!! Thursday was the first time during the teaching that a portion of scripture was read: The days of creation in Genesis. After the reading there was shouts of excitement, clicking of tongues, and clapping. The teaching couldn't go on... they just had to hear it again! Men came up to Jason and Chad and told them they wanted to cry when they heard the Word of God in their very own language for the first time.

Thank you for being our co-workers in this awesome ministry,
His Clay Pots,
Jason, Kellie, Micah, Sophia, and Malachi Knapp

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