We thought we would update you a little on each member of our family:
Jason: I am still growing up. I have finally learned how to do the dishes; and I think I was even caught making omelets for breakfast the other day. I spend my time translating, teaching the Tobo believers the Word of God, working on the computer, snapping pictures, and teaching our kids bad manners.
Kellie: She is still home schooling Micah and Sophia, cooking, cleaning, cooking, scheduling flights, cooking, ordering supplies, cooking, corresponding with all of you, cooking, and did I mention cooking? She is a great mother and wife, and we don’t know what we would do without her. Oh, and she is the one who teaches our kids good manners.
Micah: Micah is 8, and just like Tom Sawyer. If he isn’t doing his 3rd grade homework, sitting in school, or playing leggos, he is usually out swinging from vines, cutting down the jungle with a machete, making forts, digging pits, playing soccer, and whooping it up with the boys. He just had his first cavity in his back molar, and was a real trooper getting it filled.
Sophia: Sophia is 5 (almost 6 now). She is getting very tall, and is a very pretty girl. If “Soap” (as we call her) is not sitting in kindergarten trying to learn to read and count to 100 (“why do I need to learn this anyway… you don’t count to 100 do you?”), then she is out scavenging the neighbors for sweet potato, cucumbers, or passion fruit. She also carries a bush knife and cuts down trees and grass, starts fires regularly, and swings from tree to tree. She is getting to be a good cook and might even rival her father sometime.
Malachi: Malachi, what can I say? Malachi is now 2 almost 3 years old. He never looses his smile, I think it is plastered on his face. He has a contagious laugh and is always the life of every party. Malachi loves to help me with any maintenance around the house and with translating the Bible Lessons with my helpers. All my friends call him the “old man” and treat him with utmost respect. He is always 100 yards ahead of us on the trail, or climbing a cliff by his hands and feet, or chasing his brother and sister begging to have the bush knife. (don’t worry, we won’t let him have it…yet).
Scamper and Abigail: They are our two cats. They make themselves useful by shedding, eating our leftovers, and leaving rat heads by the front door almost every morning. Yes, we greatly appreciate it.
Hope you have gotten to know us a little better; and we thank you for your prayers. We have had some close calls with accidents this past year; but God has kept us safe; and we realize that it is because you are praying for our little tribe. Thank you.
His Clay Pots,
Jason for Kellie, Micah, Sophia, & Malachi Knapp
Good to see you all...we went to a pottery village this morning and I thought of you.........
Jason ... thank you again for the inspiring video and comments yesterday at Walnut Hill. I am excited to be a small part of your ministry through financial help.
In Christ, Carol Calleia
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