Thursday, November 19, 2009

Clay Pots ~ Dates

While out here in Madang town, Malachi came and asked Jason if he would take his training wheels off his bike. First try and he was off totally on his own! He later told us that he talked to God and asked Him to help him learn to do it while he still had his bike. All 3 of our kids learned to ride their bikes on this gravel road here in Madang and all on the same bike. I know it is silly but it sure made this mom’s heart smile to get that little hug from God.

We just wanted to update you a little bit…
~We will be returning to the tribe on Friday to say our goodbyes and pack up.
~We will be selling all that we can to other missionaries to cover moving expenses.
~We are in the process of reserving tickets to return to the States in late December/early January .

Many of you have asked how you can help us. We are truly humbled. We really don’t know what our next steps are other than to purchase a vehicle and find a place to call home. Our heart’s desire and passion are still very much in sharing the gospel and in building up the body of Christ. We know we are coming home during a hard time in the economy and are very thankful for our churches and supporters who have said they will continue to support us until we are on our feet again. Our position in New Tribes Mission will not change for at least another 6 months until we know what our future holds.

We have a huge mix of emotions but the main one is peace and yet a deep sadness at leaving the Tobo people. These next 4 weeks are going to be extremely hard but we are so thankful for God’s ever loving arms around us.

His Clay Pots,
Kellie for Jason, Micah, Sophia, & Malachi Knapp

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