Monday, July 20, 2009

Clay Pots ~ 2 weeks

Our Home in the Tribe (the one in the middle)
Williamsons live on the left and Mankins behind us to the right.
The Tobo village is on the hill from where the picture is being taken from.

When do you leave? In 2 weeks!

Do you have your plane tickets? Technically yes, in that the commercial airline tickets are paid off, but we still need money for the three flights it will take to get us and all our supplies back into the tribe. God, as always, is faithful and people have given towards this need… thank you for being sensitive to His leading! If God is prompting your heart to support us in this ministry, you can go to and click on the “give towards our ministry” tab to see more info.

How long will you be gone? 4 years

Where are you going? Back to the isolated Tobo tribe of Papua New Guinea.

Why? To continue to disciple men who, in the future, will shepherd the church; and to continue the process of translating the Word of God and corresponding Bible lessons.

What are you taking with you? 10 suitcases in which we are in the process of trying to stuff 4 years worth of everything! We have about 8 small boxes of books and things (i.e. chocolateJ) which we just can’t fit… so if you are interested in helping us out and mailing a package, we would love it if you sent one of these boxes for us! They are already packed and would cost approx. $40.00 to send one box for us.

What about your house here and can we see you before you leave? We have been renting half of a duplex and our lease ends the end of July. We are storing some of our possessions for when we return again, but the rest we are selling. So please come to our garage sale July 23-25th. In addition, we will be attending Walnut Hill Bible Church in Baraboo next week and then Waukesha Bible Church the week after that. We would love to see you there as well!

Are you ready to go? Jason and the kiddos would answer with a hearty “yes”. Jason is anxious to get back to continue discipling the believers and the kiddos can’t wait to have the rain forest as their back yard again and see their dear friends. As for me, well my feet are ready with obedience and I have peace about going back, it is just my nasty flesh that is taking a little longer to catch up. I am excited to see what God is going to do in the next 4 years, not only in the lives of the Tobo people, but also in our lives and yours as well!

His Clay Pots,
Jason, Kellie, Micah, Sophia, & Malachi Knapp

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