Thursday, June 11, 2009

Clay Pots ~ Drying Out

One of the things on my “Bucket List” was to learn how to throw a pot. So for my birthday, Jason surprised me with a date night lesson. They take couples at night and teach them together how to make a pot. When the pot is done being shaped and molded it has to dry. An interesting fact, which struck Jason and I, was that the pot cannot dry alone but has to be surrounded by other drying pots (in a small room or covered with plastic) so that it will prevent it from drying out too fast. Our instructor showed us this gorgeous bowl that had completely cracked because it had been left out to dry alone and uncovered. But when pots are drying together they balance out the humidity so that they all dry evenly and at a slower rate. It is curios how it is much like us Christians. We need fellowship with those of like faith so that we are strengthened under trials… if left alone, we are prone to cracking under the pressure. We need the church body surrounding us so that we won’t dry out and crack. Although we are all different sizes and shapes and temperaments, Jason and I have been learning not to take other pots surrounding us for granted. God put each of us specifically in our local assemblies for the strengthening and building up of the body of Christ.

His Clay Pots,
Jason, Kellie, Micah, Sophia, and Malachi Knapp

Ps We are off on the road traveling for the next couple weeks to visit friends and to attend a mission refresher course. When we get back we will be starting to pack, then head out west for a week, and then finishing packing… the first of August is coming up fast! Maybe it will actually get warm in WI before we leaveJ.

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