Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Clay Pots ~ Murdocks and Lani

As you all know, this ministry of taking the gospel to all corners of the world takes cooperation and partnership. We are blessed with an incredible support team here in the U.S. who labor and work in order for us to be able to spread the gospel. Thank you for your sacrifice on our behalf. In the same way that we are dependent upon all of you on, we as tribal church planters, while overseas could not continue in the tribe for extended periods of time without people assisting us. We could not fulfill our ministries without a support staff of co-workers back in town doing the often thankless tasks of paperwork, supply buying, finances, flights, medical, and encouragement. We appreciate every one of these supporters who from a heart of love, serve faithfully in order to make the tribal ministries possible. Since arriving in Wisconsin, we have had the privilege of living next door to one such couple, their names are Chase and Kaycee Murdock. They have a real heart to serve missionaries who are planting tribal churches and so are in the process of preparing to head over to the Madang Region to function as supply buyers. We are very excited to have these guys join us overseas. Could you please be in prayer for them? They desire to arrive in PNG by the end of the year. You can view their website at www.themurdocks.weebly.com

Thank you all for your continued prayers on our behalf and also on the behalf of the Tobo church.

His clay pots,
Jason, Kellie, Micah, Sophia, and Malachi Knapp

P.S. Congratulations to my brother, Jeremy, and his wife, Jen, on the arrival of their cute little baby girl, Lani. We are excited for them! Mom and baby are doing very well. I am particularly excited to be an uncle again because it means that now I have a niece to spoil.

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