Sunday, September 14, 2008

Clay Pots ~ Malachi and our Family

We have a praise and yet another prayer request: Malachi has healed up wonderfully form his stitches and concussion. However since then he has come down with malaria. Through a series of circumstances the Doctor examined him and found an un-related problem which will require surgery. So Malachi will be going into surgery on October 2nd. They will be closing up a tube, removing some fluid, and preventing a future hernia. Our prayer request is that he will heal up completely from the malaria and his fever will leave so that he can be strong enough to do the surgery in a couple weeks.

To be honest, we as a family are barely holding on as we feel that we have little to no time to process one crisis before we head into the next. Please be in prayer for us as we fall into His arms and “give up”. As some of you have probably noticed we have really stepped back from communicating and being involved in things. Even to the point of having to go back on our word and withdraw from things we had originally said we would love to do. We as a family need more time to work through everything, and we really need some “normal” time as our own family. At this point in time, talking about our time in the tribe is painful for us because we have had so many crisis that we have not had a chance to fully internalize or process. We thank you for your love and grace towards us as we take this time to refresh our souls.

His Clay Pots,
Jason, Kellie, Micah, Sophia, and Malachi Knapp


Unknown said...

Jason and Kellie,

My prayer for you this morning is that God would take you in His strong arms and hold you tight. I'm praying for your family.

Deirdre Shockley

Anonymous said...

i'm soo sorry cuz love ya hope he gets better... hope all good things helping to u after this... also hope johnathon gets better i know its a different thing but still. love always ur cousin, lisa

Anonymous said...

I was very touched by your visit to ODC last week and wish HIS blessings upon you. Your message on "sufferring" has really made me think about my Christian life and how I portray HIS message to others. I know through your suffering in these times, you will be come much stronger. I wish you the best and pray that God will help you through these times.
