Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Clay Pots ~ Prayer Requests

Since coming back into the tribe, we have had some things that have been heavy on our hearts. We were wondering if we could share them with you so that you could join us in prayer?

1. It is not “official” yet, since nothing in PNG is official until it actually happens; but last week at the believer’s meeting the Dr’s wife announced that her husband told her that when he got back from town, they and their children, and the community school teachers would be sitting down to discuss leaving our village permanently. They moved into Lengbati around the same time we did (they are from another part of PNG) and have been a huge asset to this community. Unfortunately the community has taken them for granted (due to the communities cargo cult mentality), and do not appreciate the community services which they have brought here. We are thankful they are believers and we know they will be a light wherever they go. Pray that they will decide not to leave; but that if they do, that it will wake up the unsaved community to their need. Our prayer is that perhaps when the community sees that the cargo cult again did nothing for them, that they will see their need for a Savior.

2. When we needed to medevac Jason to Australia, the medevac flight and medical bills were/are being charged to our account which is putting us in debt. We are now in the process of trying to get our insurance to cover some of it, but that is going to take some time. Our prayer is that we will be out of debt before the new year so we will have the money to buy our tickets to come home next May for our scheduled furlough (just a “mere” $8,000 for a family of 5 to fly back to the States!). Pray that the insurance will come through quickly, and that we will be wise with our limited finances.

3. On the home front, one of our sending churches is going through a really rough time. Satan is trying to tear them apart. This news is discouraging and crushing to us. This is a spiritual warfare and as part of their body, we hurt when they hurt. Our prayer is that God will use all of this to strengthen and build up His church; to draw them into unity, prayer, and a deeper understanding of God’s love and forgiveness.

Thank you for being there to listen and to pray. We need and covet your prayers! We truly can feel when you are all praying for us.

His Clay Pots,
Jason, Kellie, Micah, Sophia, Malachi & The Tobo Church


Ruth said...


You probably don't remember me but just about a year ago my husband, myself and our little Malachi sat next to you and your Malachi on a flight from LA to Brisbane. I just happened to think of that today and looked up your blog. Just wanted you to know I will pray for the things you requested today.

Blessings to you,

Ruth Ament, Australia

Mrs said...

Thank you for sharing these requests with us. We will certainly be praying for all of these things!

John and JoAnna in FL