Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Found ~ Ambux

“A few weeks ago, when that man stood up in our meeting and said that he had seen Jesus, and that Jesus had told him to forsake all his sins and his old ways, and to straighten his life out, I heard it and I wasn’t satisfied with what he said. I know that no one can see Jesus, because he went to heaven and is sitting at God’s right hand. I also know that Jesus washed our sins away when he died on the cross, and that all we must do is believe in him. All that we will learn of Jesus is in the Bible, if it comes from somewhere else, it is a lie. I knew he was not telling us the truth. I think that he and his group came that day to pull us into their false belief. And I wasn’t happy with that.” -- Ambux

Ambux is Asa Salap’s son. He too was saved at the end of our teaching on the life of Christ back in January. He has been faithfully coming to the believer’s meetings along with his wife. He is a quiet guy, but has said some very profound things to us lately. He and his wife have one young son and a baby due any day now. He also has been helping Chad with translating the Bible, and has been a huge help and encouragement to us as he works with us in that.

I was greatly pleased and excited to hear him say what he said above. He had come to Chad to do a translation session with him, when Chad asked him what he thought of the previous weeks meeting. I just happened to be passing by, and stopped in to say hi. We couldn’t stop this man from talking, he just wanted us to know that he wasn’t in agreement with what happened, and that if they kept coming, he was not going to come anymore to the meetings; because it wasn’t correct. This means that he is learning and putting into practice what he has been hearing from God’s Word, and we couldn’t be more excited!

Continue to pray for these believers, that their faith would grow stronger, and that they would be able to comprehend more and more the love that God has for them in Christ Jesus.

Also, for those of you who are wondering. I never did make it to the other village with Nikos a few weeks ago to confront these false prophets that came into our midst. To make a long story short, one of the leaders of that group came to see me after I didn’t show up at his place. I was able to talk to him, and tell him that this was not just my thoughts; but the thoughts of all who were present on that day, but that he and his group were no longer going to be allowed to break in and lead in singing or prayer or give testimonies. They are allowed to come and listen and learn; but not to lead in any way. He was an interesting fellow to say the least; but he agreed and went on his way. We haven’t seen any of them for the past 2 weeks.

Thank you for your prayers concerning these issues.
His Clay Pots,
Jason, Kellie, Micah, Sophia, Malachi Knapp & the Tobo Church

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