Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Clay Pots ~ Acts & The Airstrip

"I am happy because even though we will not see each other again here on earth, we will one day see each other in heaven!"

This was said by Nikos as he shared a meal with our elders at his home yesterday.

We have enjoyed having the elders in here this past week. But all good things must come to an end, so we will be flying out to town to say goodbye to them and putting them on a plane that will take them home:-(. Then we will stay out for a few weeks for a much needed break. Also, Micah will be going through an annual 3 day school testing period to see how he is doing in 2nd grade and to see how well he is learning with Mom as his teacher:-). And after that we will be headed to see our mission's Dr. to get some much needed check-ups on all the kids and Kellie.

While we are gone:
The believers will be meeting twice while we are gone; so Chad will teach one lesson, and Jason took the opportunity to disciple Paulas to teach the other lesson. He is very excited to teach it and we are so excited to see him step up and want to take this opportunity on. When we return from our break Jason will begin teaching the book of Acts to the believers!!

Once we fly back into the tribe:
We are also beginning to make preparations to work on the airstrip again. Yep, it was about 2 years ago that we last worked on it, and it is in need of repair again. This time we (the Tobo people and us) will be again scrapping off the moss down the center of the airstrip and also the parking bay at the top, which is starting to look more like a parking bog. We will scrape off the dirt and moss, haul gravel from the mountain above us in large coffee bags, and then pound it into the airstrip surface with stumps of trees. We will also dig new drainage ditches. I know we will be having visions of tractors and bulldozers at night as we sleep off the sore muscles:-)

We would really appreciate prayer for a couple different things:
1. That we as a family could have a relaxing and fun break. It's been a long 6 months for us in the tribe, with people around daily. We sure are looking forward to just being alone as a family outside of a tribal setting.
2. Pray for the elders as they go home and share with others their experiences and what God is doing here.
3. Pray for Paulas as he teaches the lesson while we are gone. Pray for continued spiritual growth for all the believers.
4. Pray for safety and wisdom as we close the airstrip and work on it. The airstrip will be totally closed for a week to any fixed wing aircraft. Which means no one is allowed to come, leave, or get sick!:-) And it would sure be nice to work in the sun and not the pouring rain.

His Clay Pots,
Jason, Kellie, Micah, Sophia, and Malachi & The Tobo Church

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