Thursday, February 22, 2007

FOUND ~ Ankle & Nara


This man came knocking on our door this afternoon looking for Jason. Jason had gone to another village earlier this morning and wouldn't be back for another hour or so. He said he would wait for him to come back.

Ankle came because he was excited to tell Jason that his wife, Nara, was saved last night!! It had been a big burden on his heart. When he would come to the believer's meetings every week he would be one of the only men whose wife wasn't saved. He greatly desired that his wife too shared this new life. He said, "If I had died and gone to heaven, and my wife didn't, it would not have be right, she needs to go too," so he had been praying for her and talking and witnessing to her daily. "Now Jesus has grabbed her, and she is going to heaven too, and I am so happy," he said. He greatly desires to teach their children, together, about God's Word.

Also, yesterday Ankle came to the time of fellowship and applying of the Scriptures to specific areas of our lives which some of the core group do on Tuesdays. He enjoyed it so much he wanted to stay until after dark (the meeting had started at 10am :-)

Pray for Ankle as he continues to witness to his family. His father is Yaka Siwia (a past Wanted e-mail) and is sick. Ankle tells him that he doesn't know when he will die. He has tried to share with him over and over again the message of salvation before he dies but as Ankle put it, "He just listens and then just puts it to the back of his head".

Thursday mornings (tomorrow) are the believer's meetings. Ankle was proud to say that both he and his wife would be there tomorrow. Pray that it will be a great time of fellowship and encouragement for the believers and pray for wisdom for Jason as he leads in the study of God's Word. It can be a little discouraging at times that the numbers God has chosen are so few (in light of how many people are here) but yet we are so incredibly thankful for the depth and maturity of the ones God has hand picked to be his disciples here in Tobo.

His Clay Pots,
Jason, Kellie, Micah, Sophia, and Malachi Knapp & The Tobo Church

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