Saturday, August 21, 2004

Wanted: Tingong

By the Savior to give glory
to the King of Kings!

  • NAME: Tingong or Timson Mama = (Timson's father)
  • VILLAGE: Dengenu (a half hour walk from our house)
  • AGE: Late 40's
  • FAMILY: Tingong has two wives: he has 4 or 5 children by the first wife; most of them are grown and some are married. He now has two children by the second wife (who is much younger). The first born's name is Timson and they just had a new baby, only 4 days after Malachi was born, whose name is Ronald. Tingong lives in the same house as his second wife; but still provides food and "looks out for" his first wife.
  • STATS: Tingong is an interesting man, and one of my good friends. He is a regular language helper for me, as well as one of the main men I go to for 'inside' cultural information. He is fairly educated; has been to town; and knows a little bit of English. Tingong was originally a part of the main denomination here in our area; then he switched to the Jehovah's Witnesses. But when he married his second wife (sounds like some "magic" was used on the part of the lady to get him to marry her); they kicked him out of their assembly (his brother is at odds with him over this issue). So now he isn't too comfortable in either "church"; and so has moved his house outside of the village; and will often spend weeks in his garden (an hours walk away), living in his "garden house". Interesting enough, he has a good relationship with both father-in-laws!
  • PRAY: I tell you all of this because this man has an interesting perspective on his own culture; and thankfully, I am able to learn a lot from him. As we draw nearer to the time when we will teach literacy, and prepare lessons for Bible teaching, he is going to be one of my main helpers.
  • Pray for openness on his part, in sharing his culture and language with me.
  • Pray for his salvation, that the grace of God will draw him to Jesus: the one who accepts us no matter what we have done.
  • Pray for the health of his new child
His Clay Pots,
Jason, Kellie, Micah, Sophia, & Malachi Knapp

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