Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Clay Pots - gratitude

“And if we know that he hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests that we have asked of him.” – 1 John 5:15

Tingon came to me and told me this story the other day:

“About 2 days ago, my wife and I woke up, cooked food and went outside our house to go give food to our two pigs. But when we got there, we saw that they had both vomited everything in their stomachs, and were now lying on their sides, barely alive. They were on the road of death. This was a huge thing to me, so I told my wife to get some cold water, and when she came back, I poured the cool water over their bodies, and then I put my hands on their heads and prayed. I said, ‘God, you know that this is a big heavy. You gave me these pigs to look out for, and you know what they are used for in our culture, and how important they are to me. You also made them, so you care for them. And you care for me. So I am just asking that you will heal these two pigs of mine, so that they will not die.’ I prayed that, and then I prayed that same prayer again later that day. I knew that these pigs were going to die. They were on the road to death, and there was nothing I could do for them. In the past, I would have called the “cold” man, and he would have said some words, poured some special blend of water and blood and herbs over them, and cast out the bad spirit. But I knew that wasn’t the true way. So I waited and prayed. Then last night, I was ready to go to sleep, and I prayed a third time to God to heal my pigs. When I got done praying (and this is the truth), I felt a total peace from God. I just KNEW that my pigs were going to be alright. And I lay down and went to sleep. This morning, I woke up and went outside, and there they were, standing there ready to eat. And I went over and gave them food and they ate! I tell you the truth, I have never seen anything like this in my whole life! This was impossible, they were as good as dead, but God healed them for me. I thank him for that. So I came today to help you teach God’s word to the people because this story was just burning in my liver... I was so thankful. And as I left, I was just so happy I went over and patted the two pigs on the head and said, ‘See, God is watching out for us,’ and I came here.”

Later, he told me that he has an even greater desire to study, read, and teach God’s Word, because he is just so thankful for what God has done for him. Not only did he save him from sin, hell, and Satan, but he also is caring for his every need!

Isn’t that what it is all about? Service to God out of gratitude, not grudgingly or in order to gain favor. We already have favor in God’s eyes, and we are already as loved as we ever could be because we are in his Son. Why is it that we constantly need to be reminded of that fact? And the simple prayer of faith, just KNOWING that we have the request which we have asked of the Father, because we know that he hears us. This is a changed man… but it is only by the grace of God, through belief in his Word.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Clay Pots ~ Crushed Frogs

This is a picture of Sophia and our partners daughter, Kadynn, crushing up a beetle and feeding it to their “babies”.

When I saw them doing this I yelled, “what are you doing?!!!” (along with “gross” “yuck” “ugh”).

They looked at me calmly and said, “we couldn’t find a frog”.

In the Tobo tribe when a baby has a cold they take a frog; boil it, crush it up, and feed it to the baby. If it isn’t smooth enough for the baby to eat they will put it in their mouths and chew it up themselves and then spit it out and feed it to the baby. Sophia and Kadynn are in fact very good “mothers” according to the Tobo people. This mother made sure they weren’t going to chew the beetles up for their babies before I went back inside!

My life is SO not normal!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Clay Pots - depart from iniquity

“Let everyone who names the name of the Lord depart from iniquity.”

Kips, the fighter
Just before Christmas I sent out an email explaining that if Kips’s relative came from the town of Lae, that the two of them would probably have a huge fight, possibly ending in the death of one of them. I also shared how one Sunday we all met together and Welsen and some of the other believers came beside Kips to encourage him not to fight, but to forgive this man and walk away; and then how they had all prayed together for Kips. Kips had readily admitted that he was contemplating killing the guy, but he knew that that was from Satan. 

Well, here is the rest of the story: A few weeks later Kips came up to me and said, “I know that God is alive.” (meaning, God really does answer prayer). So I asked him why he said that, and he said to me, “Remember when we prayed on that Sunday about me not fighting with my relative? Well, in my heart I forgave him, and decided that I was not going to fight him even if he came and called me out. But then a few of his friends came to the village the other day, and they brought word from him. And this is what they said, ‘We sat down and talked about what we would do to you; but instead of deciding to fight, your relative said he forgave you, and that if he were ever to come to Lengbati, that the two of you would shake hands and kiss (sign of affection and total agreement).’” Then Kips said to me, “The reason I said that I know that God is alive, is not only because he forgave me and I forgave him; but because they told me that the day that they had met to talk about this was the same Sunday which we prayed together.” That sent chills up my spine as I heard it… yes, God is alive and he is working out his plan for his children.

Alex, the fiery temper
There were times in the past when the community was ready to kill Alex because of his incessant anger. Well, there was a group of people from another village who had a gripe with him, so they took him to court a few weeks ago. Last year, during the election time, he and a few others were traveling to a couple other villages on a campaign trail. One of the young boys who went with them had stolen a can of tinned fish, and lied about it. Well, Alex, as our village magistrate, was told about it, found the evidence, and made the boy pay compensation for it to the offended party. During the course of that time, he had hit the boy in the face. Well, a few days later (or weeks, we don’t know which), a tooth fell out of the boys mouth. So now 8 months later, the family of this boy got angry, and greedy for money, so they came to court Alex for causing his tooth to fall out. If they won the court, then they would get compensated with money. I sat in during the court, but didn’t say anything… I just wanted to watch and see what was going to happen. How would Alex respond to false accusations and no proof? Both the young boy and Alex gave their stories, and Alex did admit to hitting him twice in the face for stealing. But there was no evidence that the tooth fell out because of that hit. But, the court officials (who were not Christians) decided in favor of the boy and charged Alex.

A few days later I was in the village of the accusers, and they said to me, “We wanted to kiss and hug Alex for how he conducted himself during the court. He told his story truthfully, did not get angry, submitted to the authorities, and was very peaceful. We saw this in his life, and we knew that Jesus has changed him. We saw the fruit of his belief and baptism in his life.” What an amazing testimony!

Welsen, the instigator
A week ago, there was a huge disturbance in our village. We had sent out a young lady to the hospital in town with NTM Aviation because she was very sick and not eating and couldn’t swallow. Well, on Wednesday night of last week, the family heard over the radio that she had died in town. So there was screaming, yelling, wailing, but also angry fighting type of sounds, people angrily running up and down the airstrip hitting houses with bush knives. We found out later, that everyone was angry at the school teacher, who had supposedly had relations with her… in their minds they thought that he was the cause of the sickness which took her life. So they wanted to kill the teacher. In the morning, Welsen and a few other believers came to our houses here and we talked through this situation a bit. Welsen said that he could see this situation causing a lot of problems and conflicts in the village, and also in the midst of us believers. So he decided that we should pray. So we did, and he led us in a prayer for God’s protection, wisdom, and insight into how to handle this situation so it didn’t escalate and cause more problems. Then we had to go up for a court regarding some of the damages done to personal and community property. Welsen did not want to go with us. So I asked why, and he said, “You remember that before I was saved, I instigated many fights. Well, I know that if I go right now and look at the faces of those responsible for this disturbance, then I will probably sin by getting angry, starting a fight, or something. And I don’t want to do that, because Jesus wouldn’t want me to do that.” I was again very encouraged. Here is a man who was fleeing from sin (2 Tim. 2:22).

May you be encouraged in the Greatness of our God.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Clay Pots ~ Culture Stress

One of my better moments…

I have been culturally stressed this past month beyond anything I could have ever imagined. We have lived in the tribe for almost 6 years now and I feel like it was only today that we moved in. I was at the ladies bible study a few weeks ago and began to pinpoint some of the specific things that were stressing me out. Maybe you can pick out some things that just wouldn’t happen at your ladies Bible study in the States?….

We ladies gathered together and sat on the cold, wet, dirt floor of a small grass hut. The lady picked to share that day had her 3 year old son go from breast to breast nursing as he pleased while she shared from the book of Acts. He held her shirt up and for 10 minutes we had a topless speaker. To keep from staring I decided to count the flies that I was wildly trying to keep off my face. I got to a 100 and realized I should be paying attention to the speaker. By now her son was done nursing but had pooped in his pants right next to her so she took his clothes off, threw them in her bag, and he ran around her naked. And no, she never missed a beat the whole time. She then noticed that his nose was running (more like huge chunks of snot hanging down his face) and took her bare hands and wiped it off and then wiped it on her shirt. So I decided to count the bugs again. There was a weird looking orange spider that had crawled on my shirt, a fluorescent blue bug on it’s way to my leg, and something much bigger than a fly was trying to land in my hair! (Did you know God made 3 inch long furry bees?!!)…I was getting the willies and ready to cry. Then I started to cry. Not because my emotions were at an all time high but because the smoke from the fire in the middle of the hut was hurling large amounts of smoke at me (I am sure on purpose!). I was drenched in smoke and my nostrils were burning, so I moved closer to the lady sitting next to me to get out of the path way of the smoke. I offered to hold her baby while she got something out of her string bag. The baby peed all over me. Now I smelled of smoke and pee . So I tried focusing on something else and looked away. Only to be met by intense staring. Every child in the hut was watching me. That hasn’t changed in 6 years. I am constantly being stared at. You would think they would get used to me and my white skin and red hair! I even wear the same clothes so there’s nothing new to look at. But every move and word is seen and heard. They will actually notice if a piece of my hair falls out of my head and will grab it to inspect it. Now that is fishbowl living! I looked at my watch. 3 hours we have been sitting here and we haven’t even begun to pray yet which would take another couple hours. I cant feel my legs, I need to start dinner, and I really needed a shower. So I got up and left.

That’s it. The climax of my story. I left. I want you to know that even though I am supposed to be an “experienced” missionary…I make mistakes, more than I care to admit. I let these trivial things get to me and missed truly fellowshipping with these ladies because I was grossed out.

Will you pray for me as I try in the following months to ignore my culture stress and be sensitive to the Spirit?

His Clay Pot,
Kellie for the family