Monday, July 31, 2006

This is a picture of our people at the Cargo Cult meeting last month.

What does the date October 16th mean for you? For the Tobo people it will mean the first day they will be taught the Word of God correctly in their own language. Yes, for the first time in their lives they will hear God's Word, the Bible, in their own language. After 10 years of preparing for this moment we have a target date to start teaching! Will you rise up and faithfully be in prayer that the hearts of the Tobo people will not be hardened towards God's Word? For Jason as he diligently continues to translate the Bible lessons that will be taught. And for Tingong, Jason's translation helper, for wisdom and health as he continues to help. For Chad as he translates the Bible portions to be used during the teaching. For Chad's helper, Rigo, for wisdom and health for him as well. And for Jason and Chad as they search for the best way to convey God's Word in a foreign tongue.

Later updates will explain the who, what, when, and where of the teaching process.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Clay Pots ~ Reunited

My little trooper and traveling companion...he has more hours logged on an airplane than he has ever been in a car.

21 Doctor's, surgeons, and dentist visits, 6 days of traveling, 1 month of being gone from my husband and kids and it was time to come home!!!!! I just arrived in PNG this morning and yes I am pain free! The final diagnosis was... due to my previous surgery a year ago, my bowels have dropped into that empty opening resulting in a bad kink which then completely stopped everything from working properly. In addition there were cysts that they were concerned about. The surgeon said he had only seen patients in the emergency room with what I had due to the extreme amount of pain it gives you. I was so thankful for God's strength during all of this that allowed me to still function amidst it. I was able to get cleaned out and with the medicine they put me on it will help keep my colon functioning as it should. 2 days before I was to fly back to PNG the cysts burst on their own and so I didn't have to have surgery to remove them.

I'm not going to pretend these 3 weeks were fun because they were the farthest thing from that. I was in the doctor's office every day and went through some pretty humiliating and painful tests and procedures...just use your imagination. There were the very low times of when there was the thought of cancer and the lonely times without my husband there to help make decisions and be the strong one to lean on.

But despite all of that and no matter what the outcome could have been GOD IS GOOD. So thank you for your prayers, concern, and love during this time towards me in the States and towards Jason and the kids here in PNG. I have so many awesome stories of God sending people to help me everywhere I went. Like the businessman who insisted on holding my bags for over 2 hours while we waited to check in at the LA airport or the dentist who paid for all my dental bills. Whether you tell us you pray for us or not, makes no difference, we know there were people praying for us and we thank you dearly for that sacrifice in your own lives to encourage us through that.

God's work is moving forward, thank you for helping us be a part of it.
His fixed up clay pot, Kellie for the family